Sunday, February 3, 2008


I have been knocked out of spiritual rhythm lately with being sick for a few days, going off to winter camp with middle schoolers a week ago and coming back to be sick again, then being in the midst of an incredible busy season and wola.... I feel a bit out of whack.

Starring me in the face is another opportunity to lead a team to Mexico and build a house for some people that live in a cardboard shack. We had a final pre-trip gathering today and now I am pretty excited about the team we have going and seeing old friends. Yes, of course, we need a little financial miracle this time, only about $1,200.00 by a week from Thursday which is saying that God has provided about $7,300.00 already!

pray for us February 15th - 24th ... pray for me too!



Julie said...

yay mexico! have fun without me...=[

Jennifer D. said...

Wow!~ that isn't bad. Normally he leaves you in the dark more than that! Yay God!