Tuesday, March 11, 2008


(Part Six of our recent Mexican Missions Experience)

Kids love to play and Mexican kids are no exception to this rule. Sometimes I think the Mexican children are used by God to get into the hearts of the stubborn, self-centered and selfish American more than anything else on our trips. So many people bond with these little humans in unique and real ways that make lasting impressions and changed hearts. I doubt that they understand the way in which God uses them just as we haven’t a clue all of the ways that God uses us either.

Working with Casas Por Cristo Monday is the day that I concentrate on doing a particular job which is pouring and finishing the concrete slab that serves as the foundation for the new home. It is a day that kicks my butt and wears me out. So on Tuesday I am not ashamed to say that I will not be working much today because Tuesday is “playing with the kids day” for me. Sure I do little odd and ends type jobs usually like roofing but mostly I play with kids.

This year was no different. After getting the furnace situation “straightened out,” I sought out the little ones when they got home from school and proceeded to swing them in circles and give them piggyback rides and tickle them relentlessly. I love it, they love it and all of the neighborhood adults think that I am crazy. Not that I can understand them its just the looks that they shoot my way. But in the end we all end up on the ground laughing and the onlookers are chuckling. It makes me think that is exactly what Jesus would be doing too. (sounds good to me anyway!)


Jennifer D. said...

That was always my favorite part too. The kids are so carefree and happy. Puts us to shame. I would love to just go an play with them. Imagine when Carson is old enough to go!!

Kyle Nolan said...

That's awesome. I just got to spend a week with a bunch of kids in Newark, NJ. It wore me out but it was good for my heart. These kids live in a community where the teachers (who we talked to quite a bit because we got to work in the school) and parents and siblings have no hope for them. The teachers, over and over again said "These kids have no focus. We can't do anything with them. They just fight with each other all the time, so we don't have any time to teach them anything." They didn't get that the kids were starving for attention, whether it was good or bad, because a lot of them only new the bad. Now I'm pretty sure I want to move there, because giving them the good attention gave me so much joy. You're right, God does use children to break us down.

Kyle (fuzzy)