At the core, the deepest part of you, who are you?
Are you the things that you own?
Are you the title you currently fulfill?
Are you what your mom or dad said that you always would be?
Are you the person that was teased for being fat or ugly or dumb or whatever labels that was attached to you?
Why this is so important, so central? It is because everyone operates out of their core. What we really believe lies buried deep in the nucleus of our souls and it influences everything we do. Our central appetite for approval must be fed and it is always fed through the filter of what we believe to be true about ourselves. Whether they are true or not that isn’t what is important, it’s what you believe them to be true about you, that is the place that we operate from.
One of the reasons that Jesus is so very radical or revolutionary is that he is a person that refuses to be an add on to our lives. Like a political button that we wear of our favorite politician. No, Jesus Christ is the heart reconstructing , image annihilating, throne destroying Savior of the universe that has a central message of grace. This message states that through faith we are accepted by God himself. Our new identity is the cross. It is a sign of God’s approval of us. God is pleased with us. God the Father accepts us for who we are, not what we do for him. I am God's very own!
That thought has made me smile all day today!
“If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has gone and the new has come!”
2 Corinthians 5:17